Thursday, August 28, 2008

Need a Scrapbook?

Our good friend Amanda has an AWESOME talent of scrap booking. She created us the coolest scrapbook for Brooklynn's first birthday party. All I did was send her the pictures on a CD and she took care of the rest. It has so many unique decorations and custom made embellishments. She even created neat pull out tabs for me to journal on, left me other areas to journal and left some open spots for me to put in Brooklynn's one year photos. She does a fantastic job. If you have always loved the idea of a scrapbook but don't have the time - she can make you one! She is starting her own scrap booking business. If you are interested you can contact her through her blog. I have the pictures of the scrapbook uploaded to Flickr also. Thank you so much Amanda! We love it!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Where have we been?

Crazy last week. We went up to the dells for the weekend and had a BLAST! Can you believe I only got a couple pictures of Brooklynn in her car seat on the way up there? Me the picture freak! I got no pictures of her playing in the water at ALL! I am so mad at myself! I get an F-.

After we got back from the dells, Brooklynn and I caught a cold. Brooklynn just has a runny nose, still; and I had a whole sinus cold - stuffed up so bad I couldn't hear or think straight. I am feeling better but not 100% yet.

Brooklynn is of course running around now and low and behold she fell on Sunday right into the corner of a metal table. It looks really good, considering what it looked like at first. I thought it was going to bust open it was so swollen, but ice works miracles! We are so lucky she didn't crack her head open.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Craigs List Rocks!

You have to LOVE craigs list! I have been looking for a play yard so that I can clean, work and work out while Brooklynn is up. They are Expensive! But I found one on craig's list for 1/2 the cost (well after shippping and getting 2 extensions) ! I am not leaving it set up in the front room - I was just testing it out. It is pretty neat! Coolest part is once I am done - back on craigs list it goes, so I am sure in the end it will cost me even less!
This is just such a cute picture, she loves to read!

And this is too funny... Casper has been sneaking on her couch!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Joy of Accesories

We have introduced Brooklynn to the wonderful world of accessories!

At state fair I found a booth with the little inserts for crocs. I just had to get her some. She loves them! Brooklynn loves any purse. So Grandma (my mom) bought her a Princess Aurora purse. Brooklynn takes it everywhere with her and carries it all around the house. I guess she is a Girly Girl

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Cream Puff & Wii

OK I am back on the ball and back to my BLOG. I don’t know where these last weeks went since we came back from vacation. Between work, getting the house back in order from vacation, a family reunion, a night out on the town and state fair time has flown by.

So where do I start – Brooklynn is walking like crazy she gets around anywhere she wants and quick. She loves it and so do we, except for the bumps and bruises that come with it… She is really starting to pick up on words. She now says Uh-oh, wow, all done, up and hums random songs. We are on CLEAN LANGUAGE ALERT at all times! Don’t want her to pick up anything naughty, yet.

Last Friday Nick and I went out with our friends Mike & Jamie. We had a blast! It felt good to go out and have a great time. We went to Comedy Sports, which was really fun. We even ended up at a bar afterward with my brother and some of our friends. What a GREAT time.

Brooklynn and I went to the fair twice this week. We went Tuesday with Aunt Andrea and Cousin Brandon and we went Friday with Daddy and my parents. We took her on her first carousal ride, enjoyed some music, saw the horses, cows, chickens, bunnies and pigs, had a cream puff, some saz’s mozz sticks and went down the big slide (Nick, my Dad & I). Too much fun.

Oh and how could I forget we got Wii – yes we fell into the Wii trap. This game system is AWESOME! It is addicting too and it makes you MOVE. You need SPACE to play. C.J., Nick and I have had bowling tournaments all week. The best I bowled was a 210! It is really a lot of fun.

So that’s about it from here. I uploaded TONS of pictures to Flickr from Rhinelander (finally) and the State Fair. Enjoy and enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather this weekend!