My pregnancy is going great! What a world of difference from when I was pregnant with Brooklynn. I have only gained 15 lbs and I am already in my third trimester! No signs of shrek feet returning and I can still fit my wedding rings on! So far this little guy is pretty mellow. He sure can kick hard but isn't nearly as active as Brooklynn was. I hope this means he will be a mellow baby!!! I went Thursday for a free GE ultrasound. How unbelievable it was to see my little guy. He already is a cutie and looks pretty chunky! I was also reassured that he is in fact 100% boy - no doubt! I can't believe I only have a little over 2 months until this little guy arrives! Brooklynn is getting so excited and keeps telling me all she is going to do to help me with her little brother. I am sure she may be a little too helpful!

Brooklynn is doing really good. We have finally nailed potty training and she is in big girl undies and pull ups at bedtime. She wakes up most mornings dry. I am so glad that I have conquered the potty training. She was a sure pistol to figure out a way for her to want to cooperate. Her sticker chart and special potty prizes did the trick. She rarely had accidents only 1 per week! Yes - no more diapers!! Just in time to start all over with baby boy!!!
I will try to do a better job of posting. Life has been crazy and then my old computer crashed.
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