Brooklynn and I stopped at walmart to get her some finger paints and what do you know - the easter bunny(or Mr. Hoppy as Brookie calls him) was there and doing free pictures!!! Brooklynn ran right up to him and gave him high five and a hug. She sat right on his lap and told him Happy Easter! After a few minutes Brooklynn wanted down, as she went to get down the lady that was supposed to take her pic said - wait I didn't take the pic yet! What - I thought!! Oh well it worked out fine, Brooklynn started to really want down - hence her fingers in her mouth in the pic, she does this if she is upset and doesn't have her nook! It is still cute and what do you expect for free!

Does the bunny look a little creepy?? I think it looks a bit evil..... Well again, FREE :-)
He does look creepy, but Brooklynn looks cute!
That bunny is a little creepy! Yikes.
But I do have to say that you have a cute little girl there :)
Thanks for stopping by our blog! Your daughter is so beautiful, I love how she leaves her piggy-tails in her hair. So cute. What a fun Easter you all had. Stop by again!
Erin Benes
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