Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mr. Hoppy at WalMart

Brooklynn and I stopped at walmart to get her some finger paints and what do you know - the easter bunny(or Mr. Hoppy as Brookie calls him) was there and doing free pictures!!! Brooklynn ran right up to him and gave him high five and a hug. She sat right on his lap and told him Happy Easter! After a few minutes Brooklynn wanted down, as she went to get down the lady that was supposed to take her pic said - wait I didn't take the pic yet! What - I thought!! Oh well it worked out fine, Brooklynn started to really want down - hence her fingers in her mouth in the pic, she does this if she is upset and doesn't have her nook! It is still cute and what do you expect for free!

Does the bunny look a little creepy?? I think it looks a bit evil..... Well again, FREE :-)

Friday, April 10, 2009


Today was a day of a first - letting Brooklynn color and/or dye eggs! She had a blast and did great! I am actually thinking I am going to buy her washable finger paints tomorrow so she can start painting pictures. It was very messy at the end but all worked out just fine. We did have one casualty, an egg rolled right off the table while Brooklynn was painting it. (But that is OK we were able to "test" Nick's secret hard boil egg recipe - Thanks Mel!) Tonight we had our Easter with my Mom and Dad since Easter is going to be a day of 3 stops. She had a BLAST finding all the eggs hidden in my parent's house and LOVED her 2 Easter baskets - that were as tall as her.

I hope everyone has a blessed Easter filled with wonderful family and friends!

The finished eggs!

Her GIANT Baskets

Playing princess dress up - Thank you Gaga & Papa

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

President Obama's Budget or should we say Expansion of Big Brother Plan

I will apologize a head of time. My blog is not meant for my political views. But I can not help myself. I am deeply enraged and scared after reading and investigating President Obama's budget plan. I did not realize that the federal debt from the very first President, George Washington through former President George Bush Jr, was just over 5 TRILLION dollars. President Obama is proposing to double that in just 5 years and triple it in 10 years. I can not believe more people are not upset by this considering all the negativity surrounding former President Bush's deficit - which would seem extremely small and insignificant to what President Obama is proposing. I do not want this for my child or my retirement years. I would like to retire one day with the money that my husband and I worked hard for in my pocket and I think everyone deserves the same! Please help me by emailing our representatives to show them that we do not want this. Please click the link below for a prewritten letter.

Tell your Senators and Representative to reject the dangerous and wasteful fiscal 2010 budget resolutions today! Please click the link below or visit the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste's web site,, to send a letter today.

Here is a link to an article that outlines President Obama's budget.

This type of spending is unprecedented and is not what we need in a recession. This goes beyond a republican versus democratic issue -this is our children's economic future at stake!
Take it for what it is worth - I feel better now... Ahhhhh.