Monday, September 29, 2008
Ahhh M-O-U-S-E !
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Who does she look like?

And of course here is a picture of Brooklynn...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Fun in the Sun
Nana - Banana
Friday, September 12, 2008
It's Going Well
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
All Done - Thank Goodness!
Her surgery ended up taking 2 hours instead of the 45 minutes like they had told us. After she was in surgery for an hour we got a call from the nurse who was in surgery and said it is taking a bit longer because it turned out to be bigger than expected. Then another 45 minutes went by and we didn’t hear anything. I was beside myself so I asked the receptionist to find out what was going on. She told me that they were just finishing. Another 15 minutes went by and the doctor finally came out. She asked us to come in a private room to talk. I got really nervous – all the other doctors were just talking to the parents right in the waiting room, why was ours taking us in a separate room. I for a second was not wanting to hear what the doctor was going to say. The doctor told us that the cyst was round but had a worm like part that came of off it and went back towards her ear. When she got down to where it started, it was actually in her skull so she had to call in a cranial specialist surgeon to make sure that it hadn’t gone through her skull and into her brain. Thank god it wasn’t through her skull and they were able to remove all of it. The doctor said in rare cases the cyst can deteriorate the skull and that is what was happening in Brooklynn’s case. It is a VERY GOOD thing we had it removed before it became a bigger problem. They are sending the cyst out to get tested to make sure it is only a cyst. (This is standard practice) Her doctor is very confident that it is only a dermoid cyst.
Brooklynn is doing great. Once we left the surgery center she stopped hyperventilating and calmed down. She slept the entire ride home. Once we got home she ate her waffles and drank her milk and played. She is now taking a well deserved nap. Her stitches will dissolve – so I am SO EXCITED that we won’t have to get them removed. She should be all healed up in 10 days. THANK YOU to all who had us in your prayers today. She obviously had God watching over her making sure everything would be ok. Nick and I appreciate it immensely and couldn’t be happier that it is all over and our little blessing is home safe and sound. This entire ordeal really gives me a whole new appreciation for having a healthy child. I can not imagine what poor parents endure that have a child who is sick. It really makes you stop and think…..
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Big Day

On a happier note - I have a funny story. Brooklynn is now no longer walking places, she RUNS. By run I mean to the point that it is getting harder to catch her. I was down at the outlet Carters store last week, getting her some fall/winter clothes. She was getting cranky in the stroller so I took her out and tried on a zip up vest. No sooner I took the vest off of her and put it on the hanger; she ran away and was gone. I could hear her laughing but couldn't see her because she was running under the 2 tier clothing racks. Thank God it was only my Mom and I in the store. Finally after a couple minutes went by and nearly having a panic attack, I found her by the "shoeshs" (that’s how Brooklynn says shoes)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day Weekend
Friday we took a bike ride, as a family, to the park and played at the playground. It was a lot of fun. Brooklynn loved climbing up and down all the stairs and then going down the slide. She also really liked swinging on the swings with me.
Later Friday we went to Lions Fest with my parents and Brooklynn to listen to Chason Mason. While we were waiting for them to play, Brooklynn got to meet the sausages from Miller Park. Luckily we ran into Nick’s cousin Amy there and she took a picture for us of Brooklynn and Nick with the sausages. I can’t believe I forgot my camera.
Saturday we went out to Eagle for my cousin’s 14th Birthday party. It was a BEAUTIFUL day. Brooklynn got to play all day with all her cousins and had a blast. She got a ride in a go-cart and a ride in a Barbie jeep!
Sunday we went out to Pewaukee for the day with my parents to spend time with my Grandparents W. It was nice to relax, fish and go for a boat ride. Monday we got to see my Grandparents K at my parent’s house for dinner. We had “Outback” steaks. My brother has this recipe it tastes just like the steaks at the restaurant – it was DELICIOUS! Well it is off to bed for me, work tomorrow!