Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Amber Alert
I heard on the radio you can get free text messages to your cell phone when there is an amber alert in the area. Click here to sign up: Amber Alert
P.S. An Amber Alert is issued when a child is abducted. :-)
P.S. An Amber Alert is issued when a child is abducted. :-)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Our Busy Week
Yesterday I went and finally got my hair cut. My last hair cut was either Novemeber or December. I feel so much better and it is a lot shorter. I even have long bangs to help frame my face. My highlights turned out nice too. Nothing too drastic so I don't have to worry about it looking really bad when it starts to grow out. While I was getting my hair done my Dad and Nick put a motion light off the back of the garage and coach lights on the front of the garage. What a difference a little light makes!
After all the work was done we brought out Brooklynn's Barbie Four Wheeler that my Mom and Dad got her. She is still a little too young I think she was more interested in talking to the neighbor's dog than pushing the button to make her Barbie car go. After trying the Barbie car we brought out the bubble machine - she loves the bubbles and gets frustrated that she can't catch them.
Today we are off to the card factory outlet to get her party decorations for her 1st Birthday party- I have a 20% off coupon! I ordered her princess cake yesterday, it is going to have a princess tiara on it and glitter frosting! Yum!
Can I just add that I am getting very frustrated with my fat A**, I would like to know what the heck! I am not going to accept that this is how I am going to be. I guess my 3-4 time a week workout isn’t enough. I can not wait to be done breastfeeding so I can really cut the calories and get my body back! ARGH!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Specialist Appointment
We had Brooklynn’s specialist appointment today. After meeting with the doctor it was decided that she will have out patient surgery September 10th to have the cyst removed from her head. We are lucky it is in a good spot, meaning that there is no major arteries or organs that would be affected. The doctor brought up that if we were to leave it and it get bigger that means a bigger scar and the possibility of needing a plastic surgeon to get involved if there isn’t enough skin to close the incision. Another point the doctor brought up was that if we were to leave it and it was to burst somehow, where ever the cells from the cyst disbursed a new cyst could form. I guess the surgery will be simple and should only take 45 minutes. She gets to come right home afterward. I am glad it is in September, I have time to prepare…..
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to all those special fathers,grandfathers and fathers to-be in our lives. May you have a great day and know how much you are loved!
And a special Happy Father's Day to the Best Daddy in the World - Love Brooklynn!! XXOO
What we have been up to
Wow this week flew by. It has been busy. Brooklynn is all over the place. She totally understands most of what I tell her too. She defiantly knows what no means and will listen 90% of the time. She recently has been obsessed with shoes. I can not keep her away from our shoes. She picks them up and puts them down, then picks them up and moves and puts them down. Then of course she tries to put them on too! I have been hiding them on the stairs to keep her away from them because I am a dirt and germ freak! LOL She also loves to play with her baby doll and actually makes noises as if it was crying and then she kisses it and pats it. I also saw her tickling it and then laughing.
She is getting very close to walking, she can now stand and play with a toy or bend down and get something and get back up with out hanging on – her balance is definitely improving. I think she may be walking in a couple weeks.
Brooklynn has now started dancing – and I don’t mean just bobbing her head and clapping, she has been doing that. When she is standing and I start to sing she will stomp her feet and move up and down and then start laughing. It is too funny – I will have to get video of it! I guess our afternoon dance parties are starting to catch on!
Brooklynn and I had a very fun Mommy and Brooklynn day yesterday. We went to the mall to go shopping, we had to get a baby boy gift for our friends Amy & Bob who just had a baby boy, Luke James. Congrats Amy & Bob! Brooklynn loved the mall she says Hi and waves to everyone. She loves to grab anything she can reach from her stroller. After we were done shopping we got lunch, her and I split a grilled cheese and a fruit smoothie. YUM! Then we went to go meet baby Luke. He is so CUTE! Brooklynn loved him and kept yelling “dat” “dat” (which she now yells when she wants something) After we saw Luke we came home and she took a nap. I had such a blast with her at the mall.
While Brooklynn was napping I was deadheading my flowers and all of a sudden I heard splashing in our pool. I look and see a litt
le bird in the pool. It was too wet so it couldn’t fly away. I grabbed the skimmer and got it out. I set it under our tree and it just stayed there. I thought neat I will go grab my camera and try out my big lens and tripod. I got some AWESOME pics. Then when it finally flew away it landed on the fence and I was snapping away when a cardinal came and landed on the fence too. I was so excited, and no I am not going to take up bird watching!
She is getting very close to walking, she can now stand and play with a toy or bend down and get something and get back up with out hanging on – her balance is definitely improving. I think she may be walking in a couple weeks.
Brooklynn has now started dancing – and I don’t mean just bobbing her head and clapping, she has been doing that. When she is standing and I start to sing she will stomp her feet and move up and down and then start laughing. It is too funny – I will have to get video of it! I guess our afternoon dance parties are starting to catch on!
Brooklynn and I had a very fun Mommy and Brooklynn day yesterday. We went to the mall to go shopping, we had to get a baby boy gift for our friends Amy & Bob who just had a baby boy, Luke James. Congrats Amy & Bob! Brooklynn loved the mall she says Hi and waves to everyone. She loves to grab anything she can reach from her stroller. After we were done shopping we got lunch, her and I split a grilled cheese and a fruit smoothie. YUM! Then we went to go meet baby Luke. He is so CUTE! Brooklynn loved him and kept yelling “dat” “dat” (which she now yells when she wants something) After we saw Luke we came home and she took a nap. I had such a blast with her at the mall.
While Brooklynn was napping I was deadheading my flowers and all of a sudden I heard splashing in our pool. I look and see a litt

Monday, June 9, 2008
Congrats Renee!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Double Coupon Day!

Yes it is true! Double coupon days are starting again at Pick N Save next Wednesday. So get your scissors out and start clipping! Here are the rules:
1. You must spend at least $25
2. They will only double a coupon up to a $1
3. They will double the first 5 coupons given to the cashier
I am SO Excited!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I discovered this song through a friends blog. It brings a tear to my eye. Please pray for the Chapman family thier 5 year old daughter passed away.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Weekend
This weekend was busy but fun! Friday we had a birthday party for my cousin, Saturday we had a play date in the morning and at night another birthday party, and Sunday we had our friends over for dinner. We were lucky enough that our friends were in town to visit their family so we stole them for dinner – and wouldn’t you know my dishwasher broke! Well the wires were lose so it is fixed now – but not before I had to do 2 hours worth of dishes! I know I shouldn’t complain because there are those who don’t have a dishwasher, but since I do have a dishwasher I don’t have a drying rack, which makes it interesting.
We got Brooklynn an appointment with a pediatric surgeon June 12th for her bump. I will let you know more when I do.
We have been doing yard work like crazy. We got rid of our jungle in the back yard, we still have to bring in some mulch. It is too funny how excited I get about plants and landscaping. I never understood the meaning of a nice looking yard until now. So below are some pics from this weekend and our BEAUTIFUL yard J
We got Brooklynn an appointment with a pediatric surgeon June 12th for her bump. I will let you know more when I do.
We have been doing yard work like crazy. We got rid of our jungle in the back yard, we still have to bring in some mulch. It is too funny how excited I get about plants and landscaping. I never understood the meaning of a nice looking yard until now. So below are some pics from this weekend and our BEAUTIFUL yard J
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