Friday, February 29, 2008
Need I say more. This week has been not the greatest. Brooklynn woke up Tuesday with a BRIGHT red face and super warm. She had a pretty high fever and was not doing anything but lying around like a limp noodle. I was so worried! I took her to the doctor and thankfully she didn't have strep. She had a respiratory virus. Her fever lasted until Thursday. Thursday I woke up and could barely get out of bed! I was super dizzy and ached everywhere. Luckily Nick has not gotten sick...yet! Brooklynn and I are both feeling better. I can tell she still does not feel well. She has been a bit fussy and doesn't want to fall asleep. She isn't very playful or talkative either. I am feeling better. Hopefully no more colds here! Bring out the Lysol!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Guess What Brooklynn Can Do!
Brooklynn is now able to:
1. Wave Hi
2. Play "So Big"
3. Play Peek-A-Boo with a blanket
4. Pull herself up to stand
Granted she is not consistent with doing these things on demand, she can do them just when she wants to! I couldn't believe when she grabbed on to a rubbermaid container and stood up. CRAZY!
1. Wave Hi
2. Play "So Big"
3. Play Peek-A-Boo with a blanket
4. Pull herself up to stand
Granted she is not consistent with doing these things on demand, she can do them just when she wants to! I couldn't believe when she grabbed on to a rubbermaid container and stood up. CRAZY!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Hoping for Teeth!
This week has been very interesting. Something has possessed my sweet, happy, baby this week. Don't get me wrong she is still a very good baby for about 1/2 of the day. Then like clock work when she wakes up from her afternoon nap - she is SUPER whiney, has to be held all the time, cries if I put her down for a second and gets super tired but won't fall asleep. All week she has only been napping a total of 2 hours all day from 8 am until 9-9:30 pm. Needless to say it has been extremely hard to work let alone do anything this week. I do not know what could be wrong - so I am hoping that she is starting to get her teeth!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Catch the Water
Friday, February 15, 2008
Brooklynn's First Baby Doll

Brooklynn had her shots today. She did really well. After we had to go to Target for some things. We went down the toy isle and I showed Brooklynn this little baby doll. She started babbling and grabbing at it. So we decided to get it for her. She loves it. It is too cute she is obsessed with the dolls hands - she holds it and hits her hand with it. I think she may have a new buddy. I am so EXCITED I have a GIRL and can get baby dolls!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Productive Day
I feel like I should get a gold star today. I was very productive. It started last night. Nick is really sick so he came home from work and ate and went to bed. I put Brooklynn to bed and cleaned up. This morning I got up early and worked, during Brooklynn's morning nap I snow blowed, after her nap we went to the post office, Ace to get salt and the bank. We came home played and she went down for her nap. While she was sleeping I was able to work, I was able to get in over 5 hours today! It's a miracle! Now I am heating up supper - home made spaghetti and meatballs. After I eat I am going to give Brooklynn a bath so she is all set for when Nick gets home. Once Nick gets home I am going to snow blow and de-ice our driveway once again. I also picked up and cleaned a little today too, so my house looks good. Not too shabby!
Monday, February 11, 2008
7 Month Photo Shoot

I can't believe it is that time once again! Her photo shoot went well, however; my new Nikon Digital SLR camera wasn't working right. I am sure my camera is working fine - problem is with the operator. I probably screwed up the setting some how. Thank goodness I am taking a class on how to use it this weekend! I tried getting a picture with her new heart shades on, but she will not leave them on, she would rather try to eat them. The pics are on Flickr.
Will this Cold Ever End?
I have had a cold for over a week today! My head is stuffy, head ache, stuffy nose and the good ole drainage! Ack! I am about to call the doctor to see if I can take any cold medicine (with breastfeeding I haven't taken anything yet). I wish I could stay in bed ALL day!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Brooklynn's New Lamp
Diaper Poll
Welcome to my new and improved blog. I was having technical issues with the other blog at wordpress. Images wouldn't upload properly and it was really taking more time and effort than needed. So as you can see by the time of this post I became obbsessed and made a new one in the wee hours of the night. I hope you enjoy!
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