Hope everyone has a great New Year. We are headed up to my parent's lake house in Menasha. We will be four wheeling on Lake Winnebago over the next couple of days. Nick is so excited.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year
Brooklynn has been wearing these princess sunglassess that she got from us for Christmas. I call her my little movie star! Too funny!

Hope everyone has a great New Year. We are headed up to my parent's lake house in Menasha. We will be four wheeling on Lake Winnebago over the next couple of days. Nick is so excited.
Hope everyone has a great New Year. We are headed up to my parent's lake house in Menasha. We will be four wheeling on Lake Winnebago over the next couple of days. Nick is so excited.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Yes, we got Brooklynn's ears pierced! She did great! She cried when they did it, but once it was all over she hasn't fussed about them once. If you ask her where her pretty earrings are she proudly points to them. My fingers are crossed that she doesn't have an allergy to them. So far so good! Here is a picture of her with her earrings while she was taking a bath. Look at how long her hair is getting!

Friday, December 26, 2008
Santa came to Town
Christmas was a blast! Brooklynn was so fun & loved opening her gifts! I am so mad - I set up the video but forgot to get my camera Xmas morning. I don't have any pictures from our Xmas morning. It was a wonderful couple of days. I am going to spend the weekend organizing all of brooklynn's new toys! I will post some pictures that I do have later. Hope everyone had a joyous holiday!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Santa from a distance

Today we took Brooklynn to see Santa. We have been talking about this all week with her. She seemed exctied about it. Even when we got there she was saying Hi to Santa and telling him "Ho, Ho, HO" However once it was her turn to sit on his lap she became glued to my side. We tried prying her off me and set her on his lap for a second and then the tears came. Nick ended up holding her on his knee in frot of him. I guess I should have known she wasn't going to like it - what do you expect from a 17 month old.
The Tradition Continues....
When I was younger at our old house every year we painted a Christmas picture on our front picture window. We did this because it was something that my Dad did with his family when he was a child. I decided to start the tradition this year. My Dad and Mom helped Nick and I. It looks really cute and was a lot of fun. Brooklynn loves it - she keeps telling my "GaGa & PaPa on" pointing at it. I think that is her way of reminding me that they helped.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
December Already?
I did it! I went out of town overnight for work. It was my first night away from Brooklynn and Nick's first night by himself with her. The hardest part was leaving but once I was gone it was fine. I did miss her tons - but it was a nice break.Nick did great and Brooklynn did fine - she was very excited to see me the next day.
Tonight we are painting our front window and then I can set up my village. I am a little worried that my village may not beable to stay up. Brooklnn is so tall now that she can reach everything on the bow window. She has been really good about not touching the tree maybe she won't touch my village - fingers crossed!
Enjoy the few pictures of Brooklynn one is her a mess while eating cottage cheese that she loves, another pic is her in her tutu that she wears around the house now (LOL - GIRLS!), and the other pic my Grandpa took when were visiting them.

Tonight we are painting our front window and then I can set up my village. I am a little worried that my village may not beable to stay up. Brooklnn is so tall now that she can reach everything on the bow window. She has been really good about not touching the tree maybe she won't touch my village - fingers crossed!
Enjoy the few pictures of Brooklynn one is her a mess while eating cottage cheese that she loves, another pic is her in her tutu that she wears around the house now (LOL - GIRLS!), and the other pic my Grandpa took when were visiting them.

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving Weekend
What a great holiday weekend. It was so nice to have Nick home with us Thursday and Friday. For the first time since July Nick and I both had a day off together! Brooklynn was such a trooper all day Thursday from 10am - 8:30pm with no nap, we left the house around 10am and didn't get back until a little before 9pm. It was a great day filled with family and too much food! (I will be working it all off at the gym this week!)
Friday we put all the outside Christmas lights up, our Christmas tree and most of the inside decorations. We still have to paint our first annual Christmas picture on our front window and once that is done I can set up my Christmas village. Much to my surprise Brooklynn is not touching the tree - I keep telling her "pretty no touch!" and then she pretends to kiss the tree.
Can you believe I ventured out on Black Friday? While Brooklynn was sleeping and Nick was hanging the lights outside I went to Best Buy to get a color picture printer that was on sale for $49 (my printer broke!) and I also went to Toys R Us to get diapers and wipes with their special $10 off coupon. It wasn't that bad - I was surprised.
In Brooklynn news she can now tell you what Santa says. When you ask her what Santa says she says "Ho Ho Ho" Too Funny!
I hear there is a winter storm on the move this way with 4 - 5 inches of snow - I guess it really is Christmas time!
Enjoy the pictures from Thanksgiving - the ones of Brooklynn kissing her cousins are too funny!

Friday we put all the outside Christmas lights up, our Christmas tree and most of the inside decorations. We still have to paint our first annual Christmas picture on our front window and once that is done I can set up my Christmas village. Much to my surprise Brooklynn is not touching the tree - I keep telling her "pretty no touch!" and then she pretends to kiss the tree.
Can you believe I ventured out on Black Friday? While Brooklynn was sleeping and Nick was hanging the lights outside I went to Best Buy to get a color picture printer that was on sale for $49 (my printer broke!) and I also went to Toys R Us to get diapers and wipes with their special $10 off coupon. It wasn't that bad - I was surprised.
In Brooklynn news she can now tell you what Santa says. When you ask her what Santa says she says "Ho Ho Ho" Too Funny!
I hear there is a winter storm on the move this way with 4 - 5 inches of snow - I guess it really is Christmas time!
Enjoy the pictures from Thanksgiving - the ones of Brooklynn kissing her cousins are too funny!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Brooklynn had her 15 month check up today. She is perfect! She is now 33 inches tall and 22LBS 8oz. She is pretty tall for her age - I know because she can reach everything now, even open door knobs. Yikes! She got her MMR shot, flu shot and they took blood. She was really upset and crying until they gave her 2 Cinderella stickers. As soon as she got those she was fine!
Here are some pictures of Nick's project. He put crown molding in our room. Thanks Mike for the help!

Here are some pictures of Nick's project. He put crown molding in our room. Thanks Mike for the help!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Finally - painted!
After almost 3 years of our room being white - we finally got it painted this weekend! I am super excited with how it turned out. We were up until 2 am Saturday (that is what happens when you have a 15 month old and a husband that works weekends) Nick is going to put crown molding up this weekend. Our room is tiny - but cute! Next project remodeling the bathroom - after the holidays.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Blog Facelift
I came across a great site with fun backgrounds for blogs (Thanks to the Ollmann's blog ) How fun! Now I can add variety to the blog with backgrounds - how blogriffic! (OK that's cheesy!)
Anyway happy nippy fall day! I think the days of running around outside with just a shirt on are over! Brooklynn loves it outside and it tuckers her out so I am so sad that it is getting cold!
A funny Brooklynn tidbit. She has become obsessed with Cinderella or "Ella" as she calls her. We watch the movie everyday and when you ask her to dance like a princess she hums the Cinderella song and twirls in a circle! A special THANK YOU to Aunt Dina who found her a Disney princess play house for toddlers. She beyond loves it!
Brooklynn started her Gymboree class this week (thanks to Grandma & Grandpa W.) She loves it. The first half of the class she was quiet and watching what was going on and the last half she totally got into it. A little shout out to parents with bratty kids that pull out my Brookie’s ponytail – I don’t care if your kid is tired, discipline should be a must especially when your kid keeps pulling my kids hair and stealing her toys. I am going to be on Mommy Lion patrol next week! Watcha Self!
Check out the video of Brooklynn dancing - it is from September. I will try to get video of her Cinderella dance!
Anyway happy nippy fall day! I think the days of running around outside with just a shirt on are over! Brooklynn loves it outside and it tuckers her out so I am so sad that it is getting cold!
A funny Brooklynn tidbit. She has become obsessed with Cinderella or "Ella" as she calls her. We watch the movie everyday and when you ask her to dance like a princess she hums the Cinderella song and twirls in a circle! A special THANK YOU to Aunt Dina who found her a Disney princess play house for toddlers. She beyond loves it!
Brooklynn started her Gymboree class this week (thanks to Grandma & Grandpa W.) She loves it. The first half of the class she was quiet and watching what was going on and the last half she totally got into it. A little shout out to parents with bratty kids that pull out my Brookie’s ponytail – I don’t care if your kid is tired, discipline should be a must especially when your kid keeps pulling my kids hair and stealing her toys. I am going to be on Mommy Lion patrol next week! Watcha Self!
Check out the video of Brooklynn dancing - it is from September. I will try to get video of her Cinderella dance!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Mourning in the Morning
Well it is final Obama is in. This motivates me to get involved to help bring the conservative mindset back to the country and help in the next elections. In the wake of a Democratic President here are some Reagan quotes to uplift our conservative spirits.
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan40th president of US (1911 - 2004)
The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them away.
Ronald Reagan40th president of US (1911 - 2004)
I don't believe in a government that protects us from ourselves.
Ronald Reagan40th president of US (1911 - 2004)
Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States.
Ronald Reagan40th president of US (1911 - 2004)
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan40th president of US (1911 - 2004)
The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them away.
Ronald Reagan40th president of US (1911 - 2004)
I don't believe in a government that protects us from ourselves.
Ronald Reagan40th president of US (1911 - 2004)
Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States.
Ronald Reagan40th president of US (1911 - 2004)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Keeping Busy on Election Day
Another beautiful day outside. Brooklynn and I decided to keep ourselves busy and play most of the afternoon outside. (Side note - don't burn leaves when it is windy, it stinks! Our neighbor decided to burn leaves and all the smoke was blowing in our yard - now we smell like a bon fire! LOVELY!) Brooklynn played in her car, played with her ball, took a wagon ride and helped me clean the windows in my car.

A special thank you to Aunt Dina for Brooklynn's Bitty Baby doll. She LOVES it! I think we will have to wait and let Brooklynn name her when she can. Right now she calls her "Wahhh Wahhh".
I think my Printer is a Democrat
Yes, can you believe that! All morning I have been trying everything to get my color printer to print out my t-shirt design that I made for Brooklynn to wear today. Go figure my printer will not pick up paper - it keeps saying no papr when it is loaded with tons of paper! I have tried everything and it is not working! What the heck! Well, maybe if Obama gets in part of his spread the wealth plan can include getting me a new printer! Ha! Happy Voting Day!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Field Trip
Brooklynn went on her first field trip. Well, I took her to Swan's pumpkin farm with my cousin Amy and her children. It was so much fun! Brooklynn got to see the goats, Llamas,a cow, a baby cow and a duck. Instead of petting them she wanted to kiss them! We took the kids on a hayride too! She loved it and was watching all the other kids on the ride. (we sat in the middle of a school on a field trip) Enjoy the pictures on Flickr.
This weekend I will download the pictures and some video from trick or treat. Brooklynn did really well and lasted 45 minutes in the windy cold! We are off tonight for the day up at Lake Winnebago! Can't Wait!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pumpkin Time
We carved our pumpkins last night. Brooklynn just wanted to hug and kiss her pumpkin and wanted nothing to do with the pumpkin guts. Every time we asked her to touch the guts - she said no and shook her head. Nick carved a puppy on her pumpkin and a scary (not very scary) face on his and I carved a skeleton. I think next year Brooklynn will be more involved in her pumpkin face design. Happy Gloomy, Rainy Monday!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Fall Fun
Brooklynn had a very exciting day today. We played outside for a long time with Gradma & Grandpa W. It was gorgeous out! How I love this time of year! When Nick got home we went and picked out our pumpkins at Annette and Jim's. Brooklynn happened to find a glowing hot wheel car in the driveway - which took the excitment away from the pumpkins. Tomorrow is an eventful day we (Brooklynn & I) are headed to Janesville for Colton's (Brooklynn's cousin) First Birthday! Then we are carving pumpkins when Nick gets home. Stay tuned for some pumpkin carving pics!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
My Little Pony
Brooklynn's hair is long and getting crazy! I don't want to cut it - so today after putting her pony tail in about 20 times and her taking it out and then telling me "on" to put it back in - SUCCESS! She left it in! I think it is too cute in a retro 80's side pony kind of way. The fun of having a little girl!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Pee-Pee on the Potty!
Yes she did! Brooklynn went pee-pee on her potty! Nick and I are SO EXCITED! We bought her a potty chair a couple weeks ago so that she can get used to it. She is still too little to start potty training (I am going to start in January), but we have been putting her on her potty while we are filling her bath and today she went!!!! Yes we are very excited over a little tinkle!
Getting Crafty
I wanted to make Brooklynn a cookie trick-or-treat bag since she is going to be cookie monster for Halloween. So I went and bought a sewing machine. I didn't have one and have had to rely on my Mom to sew things for me. I decided it is about time I learn how to sew. I am already done with her cookie "bag." It turned out cute and pretty good for my first sewing project since 7th grade home ecomomics. I now have a new interest in learning how to sew and wish I had the money and time to take sewing classes. I want to be able to make valences and decorative pillows for Brooklynn's big girl room. It will really help save $$$.

P.S. I am still going to the gym - I am going 5 times a week and I go super early in the morning so that I am home by the time Brooklynn is up at 8 am. I LOVE IT! I am disappointed that I haven't lost a bunch of weight in the last 2 weeks. I have been working my tail off and really watching what I am eating. I am sure it will start to fall off - I just have to keep plugging away.
P.S. I am still going to the gym - I am going 5 times a week and I go super early in the morning so that I am home by the time Brooklynn is up at 8 am. I LOVE IT! I am disappointed that I haven't lost a bunch of weight in the last 2 weeks. I have been working my tail off and really watching what I am eating. I am sure it will start to fall off - I just have to keep plugging away.
Friday, October 10, 2008
This is GREAT!
You may have seen my Great Uncle on TV from the convention yesterday. Here is the clip of his comment it starts around 2:30. Way to GO!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My Tidbit for the day
Now I promise I will not blog something political everyday; however, after seeing this I couldn't help it.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
On the News
In the midst of my anger from my 2nd McCain sign being stolen - I called channel 12 news. They came out and interviewed me yesterday and I was on the 6 o'clock news. Here is a link to it. http://www.wisn.com/video/17651983/
They were here for about 30 minutes and I got 3 seconds of air time....
Here is the sign in my window.
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